CGCC Foundation Scholarships and Award Process
Each year the CGCC Foundation offers student scholarship awards with a total value approaching $200,000. The scholarship application is intended to be a straightforward process.
Watch the videos below to learn more about the CGCC Foundation, and to get help with the application process.
The CGCC Foundation Scholarship application is open this year from March 3rd to April 13th. All students are sent an email with instructions about how to apply, the deadlines for the application, and an estimate for when scholarship award notification will be done.
The Foundation Scholarship award is $2,500 – which is distributed evenly ($833.33 per term) across fall, winter, and spring terms to pay for tuition, books, and fees.
(Amy starts going through the application steps at about 11:00 minutes in)
What is the CGCC Foundation?
The CGCC Foundation is separate from the college. It is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization whose overall mission is to support scholarships, college programs, and capital campaigns at Columbia Gorge Community College. Organizationally, the Foundation is housed under the President’s Office and is governed by a board of directors made up of volunteers from the community. The Foundation’s priorities are raising funds for and administering student scholarships, and providing grant-writing and other supports for college programs.
Here are some of the services the Foundation office can assist with:
- Scholarship fundraising and administration
- Assistance when planning fundraisers
- Corporate relations
- Management of in-kind donations
- Record-keeping and donor acknowledgment
Faculty and Staff Donation Opportunities
- CGCC Foundation In-Kind Donation Form
- Employee Giving Form: Acrobat PDF or Google Form.
CGCC Scholarships
- General Scholarship
- Donor Named Scholarships
- Program-specific Scholarships
- Student Emergency Grants
The Scholarship application process will open early spring 2025.
What is a CGCC Foundation Scholarship?
Scholarships are a great resource to help students pay for their education expenses and unlike loans, do not have to be repaid. Scholarships are worth seeking so get started today!
CGCC Foundation scholarships are for students enrolled in a degree or certificate program at CGCC. The scholarship is applied toward your tuition and fees first and if there are remaining funds you can use them for expenses related to your educational needs.
Am I eligible for a scholarship?
Tell me about the selection process?
The CGCC Foundation awards scholarships based on financial need and the promise each student shows which is demonstrated by answers to three narrative questions. Financial need is defined as lacking sufficient funds to pay for education. The promise a student shows is defined as the circumstances a person has faced and/or accomplishments they have made, combined with their sense of direction and educational goals.
Financial need is determined in two ways
- Students report their Student Aid Index (SAI)
- Financial need is also determined through one of the questions answered in the application process, since the SAI does not capture individual life circumstance. This is also an opportunity for the applicant to display the promise that they show as a student.
Narrative questions:
1. Financial and Life Circumstances: CGCC Foundation scholarships are based on financial need. Please explain any circumstances or challenges you are facing that may make continuing your education difficult without additional financial assistance.
2. Education and Career Goals: Describe education and career goals that you have established for yourself and your efforts to accomplish them. Give an example demonstrating your commitment to these goals.
3. Personal Accomplishment(s): Describe the personal accomplishment(s) of which you are most proud. This could include leadership roles, community/family involvement, or professional/educational contributions. Describe how the experience(s) has shaped you.
Each narrative is read four times by volunteer reviewers, who score each question on a one to four scale. The volunteers only read and score the narrative questions. Therefore, the reviewer does not see the applicants name, age, gender, race, etc. You can view the scoring rubric for the narrative questions here.
I am ready to apply for a scholarship!
* To see what other scholarships are available to CGCC students, visit
- Review the list of available scholarships to learn about those you might apply for.
- You can apply for a full year Foundation scholarship until 11:59pm on April 13th. The award is $2,500 disbursed in thirds ($833.33) across Fall, Winter, and Spring terms.
- Once you have clicked on the Foundation Scholarship Application link:
- Note that the application is made up of several sections. Complete all of them in order to submit your application.
- Agree to Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
- Prepare your four short narrative questions.
- Review the Narrative Questions & Scoring Rubric.
- Spend time on crafting thoughtful narrative responses. Be sure to use your resources!
- For example, have a trusted family member, friend or teacher proofread for work; use a spell checker; and search the internet for scholarship essay tips, etc.
- Report your Student Aid Index (SAI)
- Your SAI is generated either by completing the FAFSA, ORSAA, WAFSA.
- Click here to find more information on financial aid at CGCC.
- Submit your application
- Click the Application button in the lower right corner to submit your application
What happens after I apply for a scholarship?
You will be notified in May of awarding decisions. If you need any assistance and/or accommodation, please contact the Foundation at 541.506-6104 or email
If you are selected for a scholarship, you must agree to the following:
- Enroll in at least 6 credits per term
- Must write a thank you letter to the foundation of your
- Must volunteer at one CGCC Foundation event throughout the academic year
- Maintain satisfactory academic progress
- Have a FAFSA or ORSAA on file with CGCC each year
- Check your CGCC email account on a regular basis for information from the College and the Foundation
- If you become dual-enrolled at any other institution, this scholarship is void. CGCC must remain your ‘home school’ for financial aid purposes.
I am a current CGCC Foundation scholarship recipient?
Congratulations on being selected to receive a CGCC Foundation scholarship! Below is information about your scholarship.
What are the Foundation Scholarship Acceptance requirements?
- Enrolled in at least 6 credits per term
- Must write a thank you letter to the foundation of your scholarship
- Must volunteer at one CGCC Foundation event throughout the academic year
- Maintain satisfactory academic progress
- Have a FAFSA or ORSAA on file with CGCC each year
- Check your CGCC email account on a regular basis for information from the College and the Foundation
- If you become dual-enrolled at any other institution, this scholarship is void. CGCC must remain your ‘home school’ for financial aid purposes.
How do I receive my scholarship?
Your scholarship will be applied to your student account in three installments; fall, winter and spring terms.
The scholarship is applied toward your CGCC tuition and fees first and if there are remaining funds you can use them for expenses related to your educational needs. Accepting a CGCC Foundation Scholarship may prompt a revision and possible reduction of your federal financial aid.
How do I renew my scholarship for next year?
You will need to reapply for Foundation scholarships each year.
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“The emergency assistance funds that I received made it possible for me to purchase my supplies and books so I could continue classes.”
– CGCC Foundation Scholar

“In the past two years, because of the great experiences that I am having at CGCC, I have grown into a confident, strong woman ready to achieve my dreams.”
– CGCC Foundation Scholar